Vijnan Archives
5 min readOct 20, 2020


Darshan of Devi: The Divine within every Woman

Devi, AdiShakti, Bhairavi, Maa; The Divine Feminine flowing through the Purusha embodying life, creation, love & justice in the world; it is her existence that we exist, and in gratitude the realms sync aligns & humans unite together to celebrate the Navratri.

The Divine Feminine has her 9 forms and its significance each day, which is supremely celebrated & rejoiced as devotees offer their worship.

But in today’s modern era as we look everything through the spectacles of logic & realism, let’s venture a quest to seek the hidden Devi within each woman, lost beneath the layers of multiple transitional epochs.

Devi, someone indescribably serene & and an epitome of strength, is the source of life in every single being in the form of women out there.

With the cultural loss and modernism influx which is predominantly tainted in Abrahamic roots, women worshipping ceased as deities and as humans as well.

As Sadhguru once said “They stopped worshipping women because she may know something which she is not supposed to and shall ground you whilst your mind wishes to wander desires”.

Today in India, as the Dharmic culture dies a slow death, women atrocities have enhanced in grave numbers simultaneously.Once considered pious as Lakshmi and as fierce as Durga is now considered a burden for people and is assaulted for being vulnerable. But is she a burden or so naive ? Or has she been conditioned to believe so ?

Divine Feminine was eradicated across the world in the name of sorcery, polytheism, & hysteria. She was suppressed so that she could belong to a man, first the father & further the husband.It’s disheartening to even introspect that many have picked up the same practices, even when it is alien to us.

So how does Dharma describe a woman?

Dharma celebrates & worships a woman and it isn’t only restricted to these 9 days. She is considered fluid yet she acts like an anchor.

A woman was primarily educated in Vedic Scriptures, administration & military or as termed “Shastra & Shaastr”.

She was considered the root of every person’s life as she paved a way for the growth of the society. The supreme decision taker, she was consulted for every task.

She had been free yet balanced,
She was fierce yet calm,
She had been supreme yet motherly to all.

Unfortunately, the society has forgotten what a woman truly is because of the homogenized structure for everyone. Men and women weigh on the same scales, stamped with the same roles in life.

There was a time when wisdom was imparted by women as Guru Matas, and she blossomed the surrounding with her energy and will.

Even today, a woman plays the role of helping people experience and realize the important things required for the ascension of mind, body and soul. Yet her achievements have been noted superficially due to standard expectations, ignoring her divine and karmic existence in the life of others.

In India every village has a temple and it’s tradition to celebrate Devi. Every house has a woman who may not have income generating employment, but has all the authority to run the family,every man has a woman in her life in some role who awakens him, and every woman has experiences which always helps her realize that she is complete , divine & needs no other labels to empower her existence.

In the end, we still need to rinse off the conditioned ideas regarding woman, for she is the womb which carries the divinity.

Durga Maa killed Mahishasur (symbolism of tyranny) whilst her other form Kali Maa destroyed Rakht Beej (symbolism of Infestation of Ego).Sati burnt herself to destroy the Ego of her father while she domesticated Adiyogi and established Life.

Devi has always displayed motherhood, creation, prosperity, calm, strength & detachment through her humanly forms in everyone’s life.

It now depends on us to recognize her in the women in our lives and worship their purpose; but at the same time the duty of a woman to accept the Divine Feminine beneath this flesh & blood.

Navratri is celebrated as a mark of Good over Evil, and without the unity of energies, the society shall fail to evolve. At this moment women need to regain their lost self, not searching it in materialistic and temporary aspects of life but within herself. With development and exposure, she has mastered the art of surviving, but she needs to acknowledge her existence’s potential.

The Divine Feminine can be complemented but she needs no completion from anyone.Yes, the interdependence of men and women is needed to balance this world, excess or deficit of any shall create havoc in the harmony.

As winter sets in with celebrations, let us explore the divine self within us and manifest good in others, for Devi Darshan (Experience of Devi) is the ultimate portal to transition.

Time and again, with every milestone, we all see that every woman’s existence is for a greater purpose, as she is the ultimate evolution who flips the pages of the life cycle.

Researched and written by Kritika Pathak Mishra.

Kritika is a professional psychologist , counsellor , and clinical hypnotherapist , you can reach out to her on. , and



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